“This is our second year with MASSIE. We’ve worked with other firms in the past, but our first year with MASSIE made a tremendous change in the process improvement of how we gather R&D data and support to sustain in the audit. This year we added the use of Microsoft Teams, which in combination with MASSIE process made this year’s R&D study even more efficient and smooth to the point that we were a few months before the schedule of completing the study.
Previously we used emails to communicate with SME teams and individuals, which created a lot of back and forth and information flow delays. Using Microsoft Teams, we’ve created SME team channel where announcements to all SME’s were communicated and responded to faster. We had relevant files and videos saved in the channel for convenient access to anyone who needed it. Any required follow up communication was happening more immediately, whether through a quick individual chat or a quick jump on a call. In addition, we had a separate subchannel for Project Management team where any planning, file sharing, and SME progress tracking was taking place. From a project management perspective, having all communications and information relating to R&D Study saved in one place created efficiencies and progress tracking much easier. We’ve also had a lot of positive feedback from SMEs on this year’s experience using Microsoft Teams for the R&D Study. We are looking forward to adding more features next year to further improve the process and experience for SMEs and Project Management team.”